Reading In The Morning?
Last Wednesday, several hundred people gathered on the third floor of Chicago's Harold Washington Public Library for the opening of "Working in America," a multimedia exhibition exploring how Americans find meaning in work and...
Un nou episod de ZaiaBook
E 20, așa că avem un nou episod de ZaiaBook!
Episodul al treilea din Zaiabook e on!
Destinația noastră? Evul mediu. Văzut din prisma a două scriitoare pentru care documentarea și mai apoi crearea (sau mai...
Lucian Dragoş Bogdan : Luce BASSETERRE – „Le Chant des Fenjicks”
Mi s-a părut ok. Fenjickii sunt un fel de balene gigantice care călătoresc prin spațiu. Ele au fost transformate în vehicule folosite de alte specii pentru transportul dintr-o parte în alta a galaxiei. Dar...
All the Things We Leave Behind
Last Wednesday, several hundred people gathered on the third floor of Chicago's Harold Washington Public Library for the opening of "Working in America," a multimedia exhibition exploring how Americans find meaning in work and... : Focus Japonia la TIFF.23: omagiu cinematografiei japoneze
A 23-a ediție a Festivalului Internațional de Film Transilvania (14-24 iunie 2024, Cluj-Napoca) aduce un omagiu cinematografiei japoneze prin Focus Japonia, un program eclectic care reunește filme de referință din istoria cinemaului, cele mai...
High Five For Fitness
Last Wednesday, several hundred people gathered on the third floor of Chicago's Harold Washington Public Library for the opening of "Working in America," a multimedia exhibition exploring how Americans find meaning in work and...
The Glamour Gift Guide
Last Wednesday, several hundred people gathered on the third floor of Chicago's Harold Washington Public Library for the opening of "Working in America," a multimedia exhibition exploring how Americans find meaning in work and...
Best Ingredients To Have For Cooking
Last Wednesday, several hundred people gathered on the third floor of Chicago's Harold Washington Public Library for the opening of "Working in America," a multimedia exhibition exploring how Americans find meaning in work and...
Emilia Puiu : 6 cărți favorite, 6 coperte superbe
Humanitas Fiction
Editura Hyperliteratura
Editura ART
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Emilia Puiu
Hungry Bird
Last Wednesday, several hundred people gathered on the third floor of Chicago's Harold Washington Public Library for the opening of "Working in America," a multimedia exhibition exploring how Americans find meaning in work and...