Ana-Maria Negrila : „Panciatantra” este una dintre cărțile citite în copilărie, dar recitite și...

De fapt, este o colecție de povești și fabule originare din India, scrise în sanscrită cândva între sec. II î.Hr. și 500 d.Hr. și atribuite unui brahman numit Vishnusharman. Titlul „Panciatantra” înseamnă „Cinci principii” sau...

Dan Popescu : Va fi lansata la Gaudeamus, azi la 12:30 . „Omul valurit”...

Roman distins cu PREMIUL al II-lea in cadrul Concursului de manuscrise "IMPLINESTE UN VIS", editia a III-a, 2023 Editura: Cismigiu Books Autor: Ovidiu Bufnila Editia: I Pagini: 544 Anul publicării: 2023 ISBN: 978-606-28-1671-1 DOI: 10.5682/9786062816711 Ovidiu...

Un nou episod de ZaiaBook

E 20, așa că avem un nou episod de ZaiaBook! Episodul al treilea din Zaiabook e on! Destinația noastră? Evul mediu. Văzut din prisma a două scriitoare pentru care documentarea și mai apoi crearea (sau mai...


Last Wednesday, several hundred people gathered on the third floor of Chicago's Harold Washington Public Library for the opening of "Working in America," a multimedia exhibition exploring how Americans find meaning in work and...

Take Us to Your Chief

Last Wednesday, several hundred people gathered on the third floor of Chicago's Harold Washington Public Library for the opening of "Working in America," a multimedia exhibition exploring how Americans find meaning in work and...

Lila and the Crow

Last Wednesday, several hundred people gathered on the third floor of Chicago's Harold Washington Public Library for the opening of "Working in America," a multimedia exhibition exploring how Americans find meaning in work and...

The 5 New Watch Trends To Try Now

Last Wednesday, several hundred people gathered on the third floor of Chicago's Harold Washington Public Library for the opening of "Working in America," a multimedia exhibition exploring how Americans find meaning in work and...

The Liszts

Last Wednesday, several hundred people gathered on the third floor of Chicago's Harold Washington Public Library for the opening of "Working in America," a multimedia exhibition exploring how Americans find meaning in work and...

Little Deaths by Emma Flint review

Last Wednesday, several hundred people gathered on the third floor of Chicago's Harold Washington Public Library for the opening of "Working in America," a multimedia exhibition exploring how Americans find meaning in work and...

Niagara Motel

Last Wednesday, several hundred people gathered on the third floor of Chicago's Harold Washington Public Library for the opening of "Working in America," a multimedia exhibition exploring how Americans find meaning in work and...